Planes, trains, automobiles and the longest day
The trek home started well. Caught a taxi to the train station. Easy enough. Took the train to the airport. Went through the most lax security screening in recent memory. We then flew 11 hours (tough) back to Newark, New Jersey. Next, our flight from there to Charlotte was delayed. Then delayed again. Then it got canceled. Due to the glut of cancellations and rescheduling we couldn't get a flight home for a day or two and they weren't (United) going to give us any accomodations or vouchers. The train couldn't get us home. So we ended up renting a car and driving all night to get home. I (Ed) am writing this from our rental car as we are still miles from home and have watched another sunrise. Our "day" has been over 30 hours long. We are extremely exhausted and crave nothing more than a shower and to put head to pillow. North Carolina is looking good though.
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